Our Fees

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Standard Private Eye Examination £35.00
Advanced Digital Eye Examination (Aged 40 years + or clinical risk factors (includes a 3D OCT Retinal Scan) £59.00
Basic NHS Examination Free if eligible
NHS Advanced Digital Eye Examination Including a 3D OCT Retinal Scan £37.69
Minor Eye Condition Services (Includes red eye assessment) £35.00
Minor Eye Condition Services (Includes Dilation and fundus photo and/or OCT if required, no refraction) £48.00
Follow-up check (Eg. Red Eye, Dry eye follow up. Must have had EE here within 1 month) £18.00
Myopia (Short-sightedness) Treatment with glasses £40.00 / Month
Pressure check only (Requested by Dr) £20.00
Visual Fields Requested br Dr £25.00
Visual Fields and OCT report to -Requested by Dr £85.00
Repeat Visual Fields £25.00

Contact Lens Care

Spherical Soft Lens New Fitting £40.00
Toric / Multifocal Soft Lens Fitting £58.00
Contact Lens Aftercare (fitted by us) £25.00
Myopia (Shortsightedness) Treatment with Contact lenses £49.00 / Month